Call on EU-harmonised calculating rules for recycled content by means of mass balance
Cross sectoral statement on the policy framework needed to deliver recycled content in key plastics applications

Chemical recycling allows the use of plastic waste, especially feedstock not suitable for mechanical recycling, to produce new chemicals including plastics. As such, it can deliver additional high-quality material for a large number of applications, such as certain types of contact-sensitive packaging (e.g. pharmaceuticals, food, and cosmetics), medical devices, or certain automotive components and construction products that require high-quality recycled plastics for safety, regulatory and performance reasons. For this to succeed and be available at scale, EU harmonised rules for calculating chemically recycled content are urgently needed to intensify investments in these technologies.
That's why Chemical Recycling Europe - CRE - , together with 30 associations representing the European plastics value chain, has published a joint letter to the European Commission urging the adoption of an EU-harmonised rule for calculating chemically recycled content to help reach EU recycled content targets.
Mass Balance Value Chain paper - March 2023.pdf
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